Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Buying happiness

We apologize for the delay in publishing our second post.  It's hard to add a blog to your list of priorities when truly great things like dirty clothes and spools of thread are lying around the house.  Now that I know the sort of havoc a little thread can wreak on your digestive system (more on that later) blogging has again resumed priority.

I (being the logical of the pair of us) thought our reader(s) might appreciate a few posts revisiting our earlier days with Katie.  And so, I bring you:

The story of the adoption of Monster and Margeaux Hanan.  

Buying a pet is tricky.  You really don't know what the animal's personality will be.  Who knows if you're up for dealing with a cat that turns out to be a true pain in the rump?  Katie knows this, and says that she made a mental list of the most important cat qualities before she browsed in hopes of finding just one cat that met her high expectations.
Her list :
  • long, soft fur
  • playful
  • talkative/good purr
  • cuteness
She found me (Monster) this way, made some calls, discovered that I was on display at the PetSmart in Fort Worth, and drove 45 minutes to come meet me.  Naturally, I fit the description--although my hair was a bit more sleek than she'd have liked.  Katie played with all of the kittens at the store.  Since I knew she had come for me specifically, I put on a little show.  I pounced on my litter-mates, climbed tail-first to the highest perch in our cage, let them chase me, then jumped back down to the lowest level.  You may notice that Katie's list said nothing about cuddling.  As such, I did not show off my cuddling skills.  Katie and Mr. John (who was helping her move into her apartment that weekend) were so impressed with my playfulness that they had to call my foster mom to make sure I wasn't on any performance-enhancing drugs.  I had sealed the deal and Katie left to fill out some paperwork before bringing me home that evening.

An important thing to remember when adopting is that buying a cat isn't quite the same as making a human baby: if things don't work out, then you can send the animal back to the rescue.  Katie likes to remind us about this when we are being... rambunctious.  I actually like knowing that if things were really terrible she'd be able to take us back.  I'd hate to be stuck with some human who didn't want to or couldn't afford to keep me.  At any rate, I think she's all talk, because somehow Margeaux is still living with us.

Okay, you're done.  Maybe Monster doesn't know this, filling out adoption paperwork is not a whole day event, it takes all of five minutes.  Like I told you last post, Katie was going to pay for him when she saw me and changed her mind.  Luckily for me, my sisters were squirming around being total attention whores while I was sick with an upper respiratory infection and felt like poo (read had on my best behavior).  When she saw that she could get a beautiful, sweet, cuddly kitten without having to worry about Monster's extreme wildness, she came to her senses and left the store with me instead.  It was a couple of weeks and a round of antibiotics before I let my true colors shine.  By then, Katie was too attached to me to really want a calmer, sweeter kitty.

We got to Katie's new apartment before Katie realized that my life would be far too blissful as the only cat in the home.  Everyone except Grandma (Katie's mother) tried to talk her out of it, but Katie ended up going back to get Monster.  I think she just felt sorry for him.

These are pictures of us on adoption day.  I gotta go, 'cause Katie's eating cottage cheese and that stuff smells amazing.  Bye.

-Monster & Margeaux

Sunday, August 12, 2012


We are going to take a little break from "catch the bird" in order to welcome you to our new site.


You've probably heard about us through Katie, the girl who opens the food cans.  She's given us permission to surf the web a few times, and we have been inspired to start our own blog.  Bear with us while we get the kinks ironed out.

Few people are lucky enough to have met us in person, so we'll introduce ourselves.

I, Monster, will be doing most of the writing here since I am older, smarter, and have better motor control than Margeaux.  I was born March 16th of 2012. I share a birthday with Katie's horse, Hansom.  I've never met the guy, but I hear he's pretty cool and I think he smells awesome.

Katie found me on and drove out to Fort Worth to play with me.  She then came back to adopt me later that day.  She knew I was special.  I am inquisitive, adventurous, attractive, and sensitive, so I am a total catch.  Don't tell Margeaux, but Katie typically refers to me as her favorite.  Translation: I will feed you first.
Excuse me, it's my turn.  Monster's full of it.  What he didn't tell you is that Katie was about to adopt him, saw me, and changed her mind.  When we got home, she felt bad about it, so I let her know that I wouldn't be too upset if she brought home a friend for me.  That's how we ended up with Monster. 
I'm Margeaux- or GoGeaux, Little Bit,  Little Shit, or Stinker Belle.  It doesn't matter what you call me unless you have food.  I am probably busy and definitely won't respond.  Bottom line: I'm a cute, cool, city girl hoping to get out on the town and meet a nice Tom or two.  (Katie here- Margeaux won't be on the market for long.  Her spay is scheduled for Monday.  Plus, she's not allowed to go out.)
Now that you know a little about us, be sure to check back and learn what the Trash Cats are really all about.

Back to the bird.
-Monster & Margeaux